Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Language of a 'stralian....

I thought it would be good to write this blog because it will help me remember some of these words or phrases once I get home.  These are all things that I have heard well here in Aussie Land.  There is more, but some of those phrases are innapropriate. haha

·        Mate (Yes, everyone uses it and it is awesome.  And I will probably accidentally say it many times when I get back home.)
·         Hows ya goin? (No one says how are you.  Even I say “hows ya goin mate?” without even trying.)
·         No worries (Australians actually do say this quite a bit.  I have replaced “don’t worry about it” and “you are welcome” with “no worries.”)
·         G’day mate (whats up dude?)
·         Arvo (This means afternoon.  For some reason they think arvo is short for afternoon, but it definitely isn’t.)
·         Mum (the say mom like mum and they also spell it mum.)
·         Brekky (breakfast)
·         Sunnies (obviously sunglasses or shades)
·         Boardies (swimsuit)
·         Fancy (like)
·         Gun (refers to a guy who is a stud)
·         Tea (If you ask someone to tea that actually means you are asking them to dinner.  And supper means desert or something strange like that.)
·         Hey? (Some Australians finish their sentences with “hey.”  At first I thought they were saying “aye” like they were Canadian, but it is actually “hey.”  It is their way of turning a sentence into a question by just adding “hey” at the end of it.)
·         Petrol (no one says “gas” here.   Trust me… haha)
·         Cheers mate (thank you)
·         Bloke (refers to a guy.)
·         Beaut (great, fantastic)
·         Have a go (give it a try)
·         Kangaroos loose in the top paddock (intellectually inadequate!!  Love this one!)
Shout out to the beautiful Swedish Girl below.  Your awesome Hanne!

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