Wednesday, January 12, 2011

arrival and week in cairns (1/5-1/11)

So this last week definitely taught me something.  A straight 32 hours of travel really throws your body for a loop.  That being said, this week was amazing.  I spent the whole week bonding with new friends and experiencing one of the most beautiful locations in the world.  The week was full of meetings that taught us about the australian way of life, swimming, relaxing, and some nights out on the town.  Every day was about 95 degrees and sunny.  The Great Barrier reef has the most gorgeous water I have ever seen.  I was lucky enough to scuba and snorkel and I must say that I am officially amazed by fish.  I saw colors that I didn't even know existed.  Some of the fish were literally bigger than me!  I admit that I was actually quite terrified at first.  It didn't help that the workers on the boat kept throwing shrimp at me.  Wow those fish are quick. :)

Australian people are awesome!!  They are so friendly and so excited to make new friends.  They are the type of people that if you accidentally run in them, they turn around and say, "oye, sorry about dat mate."  I don't know how they do it, but people really seem to be "worry free" down here.  Whether it is working on a scuba boat or teaching how to surf, I definitely understand the appeal of living in Australia.  People have jobs that involve things that love.  I realize that I have not been here long enough to truly know or understand the culture, but those are my impressions so far.  I can already tell that I am going to have a lot of stories this next week so I will make sure to write some better stories in my next post.

Thanks everyone!  I miss you all! 

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